Monday, April 18, 2011

I am a Horrible Blogger.

I have come to terms with a lot of things in my life. I will never be taller, I will never have perfect teeth, I will always have laundry and I will always be a mom. One thing I KNOW I can change is my inability to stay on top of my blog.

It's such an easy task...unfortunately I havent quite figured out how to incorporate it into my everyday events...BUT I WILL!!!

So I suppose I need to start from scratch with my followers. Or maybe not! A lot of you see me on FB and see my crazy amounts of status updates with Zumba involved. Its my new obsession. I go in waves. I obsessed over Kickboxing, Spinning, Step, Insanity, P90X, and now its Zumba.
Now, for those of you who have not tried a class...DO IT! It is such an amazing time! It's fun and it works! I burn between 650-1000 calories each workout.
Yesterday I did another Zumbathon. 2 hours of non-stop Zumba and I burned 1,555 calories! Which assisted me in dropping another pound.

I stuck with the same instructor so I was able to learn all the moves. Now that I know the moves I am able to work harder on holding in my abs, doing perfect squats, giving it my all.
I have become quite the source of motivation in that class and I often get asked "Are you an instructor"

I will be.

I have also been doing Kettlebell workouts. This is fun!!!! You can actually feel your muscles working in this workout. Its not long, (20 minutes) and you get to sweating about 3 minutes into the workout. I suggest giving it a try. I will let you know the results when I get to the 6th week. I havent been doing it steady like my husband only because I attend zumba and Powerflex (weight training) at the gym. So the days I do Kettlebell are my off days from the gym. But its definitely great!!

A few things I need to improve on in my daily life: remembering my vitamins. I really need to feed my body after these insane workouts and obviously before. I have to figure out a way to remember.

Walking more. I know I spend a lot of my days working out. Unfortunately I still feel the need to walk. There is nothing like a nice walk for your evening workout. Especially after dinner. You have to get your metabolism pumping so you can burn more calories while you are sleeping. I started the evening walks when I got my pup Roscoe, but once we got the new pup and the weather was cold. I stopped. Poor puppy! :( and I KNOW I need to do it.

Smoking. This is the hardest. I know I need to quit. But the problem is, I dont feel ready. I imagine how much harder I would be able to workout if I didnt smoke. I am already busting out my workouts but imagine how much stronger, faster and farther I could go if I didnt smoke. I guess I have to figure that one out...

so I wanted to apologize to my fellow fitness fanatics for not staying on top of this blog. I know I said I would be here for you for questions, concerns and motivation!!! I am going to try harder!!!!

Remember: I am here for you! Tell me, what was your workout like today? What do you want to accomplish? Do you have any questions??

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