No whammies! No Whammies! No Whammies! STOP!!!! That was me today at the gym. I thought at any moment my body was going to collapse onto the ground.
Monday was an off day. We went to the waterpark on Sunday, so Monday we were still exhausted, hubby didnt feel well, and I just followed his lead. We only had our one day off (saturday) and it should have been I was okay with it.
Tuesday-we did our run. 2.16 Miles in 24 minutes for me. I did another 12 minute mile,. I wasnt impressed in the least. I wanted to shave at least a minute off for this week, but it didnt happen. I did the run/walk workout that I have on my Podcasts. Its 1 minute of running and 1 minute of walking. It teaches you so much about running. You learn how to control your breathing, control steps, go faster, harder etc..It really helps me considering I have NEVER been a runner.
Once we finished with that I got started on Insanity. I really just picked Plyometrics to keep things in the same order. I pushed myself as hard as I could and still couldnt push hard enough. I started to get frustrated, but realized that I just did my run so my body was screaming for me to stop. I still killed it.
Some of the time, I took my headphones off to listen to ShaunT (the instructor) sometimes hearing him tell me to push it, I can do it etc...he truly is a motivator..and sexy as hell too.
I got through it, and felt great.
Today-we had to lift 2 days worth because we took Monday off. We did Chest,Back, Legs, Shoulders. I was KILLING IT!!! I had a knot in my quad and couldnt get rid of it. So while I was doing my squats I was scared. But I kept massaging my quad, and go through the sets.
Aside from that hiccup, I was really proud of myself. I increased my weights from last week, got through more sets.
My goal for bench press is getting to 45's. Today I did 25#s and I made it to my six. the first set i did with 25s I made it to 4 and really pushed myself to get my 6. So I know if I keep at this rate, I will be able to get to my 45's.
After all our sets at the gym we set off to the Pool. Swam some good laps, did some leg exercises in the water, and got some good cardio in.
How did you improve on your water intake?
I wanted to make sure all of you were incorporating weightlifting with your cardio?
This is very important. Im not saying get "cock diesel" but lifting weights is going to drop body fat. Muscle burns more calories than fat. Prevents injuries, and build your strength. This will give you the ability to run further, do more cardio and feel better.
So just say you will consider it. It will truly be beneficial to your getting in shape, maintaining, losing etc...whatever you may be trying to do...lifting weights will assist.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
What did you do today?
For your workout today...What did you do?
Did you push yourself?
Did you stay hydrated?
Did you eat right?
What more do you think you could do?
Did you push yourself?
Did you stay hydrated?
Did you eat right?
What more do you think you could do?
Friday, July 16, 2010
The rest of Thursday
After I posted my blog yesterday, I still had to do Pure Cardio. This is a non stop-no break workout. After I did legs on Wednesday, ran and then ran again on Thursday my legs were KILLING ME!
My body was definitely out of whack and made it hard for me to get through with no breaks. But I pushed myself to my limits.
I did every circuit until my legs just wouldnt move. I only stopped for a second and got right back into it.
If my legs werent hurting so much from the lifting day, I would have been fine.
So after a hard struggling workout. I made it through. absolutely soaked to the bone.
I was exhausted yesterday. Running in 95 degree (plus) heat is a killer. But I definitely feel like my body is being cleansed after those runs. If I am inside running on a treadmill, I feel tight. When I run outside I feel like I am running towards something, I can really stretch out and really get a good workout.
So today is back and biceps. Plus Plyo. and a 2 mile run. My only goal for todays run is to take some time off of yesterdays run. I know I can do it.
Plyo will still be rough because my legs still feel like blocks of concrete dragging across the floor. But I have to get through it.
What is your workout plan for today?
Aside from the workout I wanted to talk about WATER.
All the other times I have worked out, I have had a bottle of water with me, sipping away. Now that I live in a place where its HOT I have to really keep the water in me.
I have 32 oz gatorade bottles that I refill with water. During my Insanity I drink one of those. When Im done with workout I drink another. After my run, I drink another one. While lifting I sip on one and on the drive home I drink the rest.
Throughout the day I drink an average of 2 more. Now, If we add this up its 192 Ounces of water. But we have to incorporate the amount of sweat that i have during each workout.
I know a lot of people stress the importance of water, but there is a REASON for that. You are going to have better, longer, stronger workouts. You are going to be able to get over that hump you usually cant, your muscles will feel better, your weight will come off easier, and you will overall feel better.
If you get bored with water-SUCK IT UP! I really want you guys to focus on drinking that water before, during and after your workouts. You can have something different later in the day-but while you are working out I want you to focus on drinking down that water.
Any Questions today???
My body was definitely out of whack and made it hard for me to get through with no breaks. But I pushed myself to my limits.
I did every circuit until my legs just wouldnt move. I only stopped for a second and got right back into it.
If my legs werent hurting so much from the lifting day, I would have been fine.
So after a hard struggling workout. I made it through. absolutely soaked to the bone.
I was exhausted yesterday. Running in 95 degree (plus) heat is a killer. But I definitely feel like my body is being cleansed after those runs. If I am inside running on a treadmill, I feel tight. When I run outside I feel like I am running towards something, I can really stretch out and really get a good workout.
So today is back and biceps. Plus Plyo. and a 2 mile run. My only goal for todays run is to take some time off of yesterdays run. I know I can do it.
Plyo will still be rough because my legs still feel like blocks of concrete dragging across the floor. But I have to get through it.
What is your workout plan for today?
Aside from the workout I wanted to talk about WATER.
All the other times I have worked out, I have had a bottle of water with me, sipping away. Now that I live in a place where its HOT I have to really keep the water in me.
I have 32 oz gatorade bottles that I refill with water. During my Insanity I drink one of those. When Im done with workout I drink another. After my run, I drink another one. While lifting I sip on one and on the drive home I drink the rest.
Throughout the day I drink an average of 2 more. Now, If we add this up its 192 Ounces of water. But we have to incorporate the amount of sweat that i have during each workout.
I know a lot of people stress the importance of water, but there is a REASON for that. You are going to have better, longer, stronger workouts. You are going to be able to get over that hump you usually cant, your muscles will feel better, your weight will come off easier, and you will overall feel better.
If you get bored with water-SUCK IT UP! I really want you guys to focus on drinking that water before, during and after your workouts. You can have something different later in the day-but while you are working out I want you to focus on drinking down that water.
Any Questions today???
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Its a Long, Painful yet Rewarding Journey
Weight Loss, Fitness, Healthy Eating and making goals is a BITCH.
We all know how much hard work it takes to reach our fitness goals. Whether we want to be healthier, fit in that bikini, wear our high school jeans, or just feel better about ourselves we are tempted, side tracked, and distracted from those goals.
What Im going to do for this blog now is track what my fitness goals are, what I do to reach them, and even post my experiences.
I would love if you are interested in taking this journey with me, for you to post to this blog. You can post your goals, what you accomplished that day or even ask questions. We can be each others support.
Now, those who know me will understand that I tend to be BLUNT. I dont sugar coat much. So if you are looking for sympathy or try making excuses as to why you didnt workout or what have you, you are posting on the wrong blog.
I will do whatever I can to answer questions, be supportive and give you the motivation you need to get your workout done for the day.
I started my workout routine again on Monday. In assisting my husband in preparing for "if" he makes chief.
We are doing INSANITY. It is the beach body workout made for warriors!!!! I say this because I have done SO MANY videos and NONE of them compare to the exhausting, powerful, body bending workout this is.
So Monday was Plyo, at the gym we did chest and triceps, and then went for a bit of a walk.
Tuesday- Cardio Circuit, Pool, run/walk
Wednesday-Legs, Cardio recovery, run/walk 2 miles.
Thursday- Pure cardio, run/walk 2 miles.
Friday will be Plyo again, 2 miles run/walk and biceps/back (gym)
Its been a pretty successful week for me. Even though I have been working out on and off since we got here in January, the scale hasnt moved. I have lost inches, and obviously feel in better shape, but the scale wasnt cooperating, I am happy to say this week I lost 2 pounds.
My run was rough today, but I know that continually running will only improve my times, my strength and my agility. So I will be running everyday (minus Sundays)
So, I want to know...what are your goals? What are you doing to reach them? Do you have any questions??
My Ultimate Goal: 135 Pounds
Tone and definition in my arms,legs, and abs.
(we can get more detailed later)
We all know how much hard work it takes to reach our fitness goals. Whether we want to be healthier, fit in that bikini, wear our high school jeans, or just feel better about ourselves we are tempted, side tracked, and distracted from those goals.
What Im going to do for this blog now is track what my fitness goals are, what I do to reach them, and even post my experiences.
I would love if you are interested in taking this journey with me, for you to post to this blog. You can post your goals, what you accomplished that day or even ask questions. We can be each others support.
Now, those who know me will understand that I tend to be BLUNT. I dont sugar coat much. So if you are looking for sympathy or try making excuses as to why you didnt workout or what have you, you are posting on the wrong blog.
I will do whatever I can to answer questions, be supportive and give you the motivation you need to get your workout done for the day.
I started my workout routine again on Monday. In assisting my husband in preparing for "if" he makes chief.
We are doing INSANITY. It is the beach body workout made for warriors!!!! I say this because I have done SO MANY videos and NONE of them compare to the exhausting, powerful, body bending workout this is.
So Monday was Plyo, at the gym we did chest and triceps, and then went for a bit of a walk.
Tuesday- Cardio Circuit, Pool, run/walk
Wednesday-Legs, Cardio recovery, run/walk 2 miles.
Thursday- Pure cardio, run/walk 2 miles.
Friday will be Plyo again, 2 miles run/walk and biceps/back (gym)
Its been a pretty successful week for me. Even though I have been working out on and off since we got here in January, the scale hasnt moved. I have lost inches, and obviously feel in better shape, but the scale wasnt cooperating, I am happy to say this week I lost 2 pounds.
My run was rough today, but I know that continually running will only improve my times, my strength and my agility. So I will be running everyday (minus Sundays)
So, I want to know...what are your goals? What are you doing to reach them? Do you have any questions??
My Ultimate Goal: 135 Pounds
Tone and definition in my arms,legs, and abs.
(we can get more detailed later)
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
We know about each other.
I havent blogged lately.
I have been extremely engaged in my life.
And by that I mean...Working out, school, the kids and the house.
Its probably going to be like this for awhile.
I have a lot going on....that I find myself not being able to blog because of it.
There are things going on that I need to figure out.
And I need to break free from.
Be back after a bit guys......
I have been extremely engaged in my life.
And by that I mean...Working out, school, the kids and the house.
Its probably going to be like this for awhile.
I have a lot going on....that I find myself not being able to blog because of it.
There are things going on that I need to figure out.
And I need to break free from.
Be back after a bit guys......
Saturday, February 6, 2010
She used to wear her heart on her sleeve.
My dads mouth is open because when he walked in the door I wanted to sing one of his favorite songs from when I was growing up. Its a song from Epic. I was completely messing around and trying to make him laugh and smile. I always had a way of doing that to my family.
The time in Ohio was perfect. I really find myself settling in a bit too comfortably. Its really the one place where I completely free myself of everything and just relax. There were a few moments of course where angry Channon came out. But it was just me being a B****. My dad said to me "Why dont you smile, just smile for me you are so much prettier when you smile and you are so much fun to be around"
I really need to take my dads advice. I have become such an angry, bitter person. I dont exactly know what happened. I find myself getting worse and worse. Its almost like I have no control over my emotions. Like I have to force myself to act a certain way. Im robotic. If something is funny I have to force myself to laugh. If something is amazing I have to force myself to put on that surprised face. Again, I dont know what happened. Most of the people who have known me from childhood to about 3 years ago know me as what kind of person? Funny, happy, outgoing, caring etc.....But if I met someone now, they would probably say I was angry, discouraged, negative and introverted.
J asked me if I wanted to go somewhere for the superbowl. i found myself quickly responding with WHY? We have a tv right here. He asked if I wanted to socialize and when I was going to make friends...I told him Im not! I have enough to do everyday, I dont need friends in the middle of all of it.
Now, I start to think its because of this huge transition to Florida. But, its not. i have been like this for quite sometime.
Even my dad noticed in the tone of my voice.
Could it be the negative hell I went through during my divorce. Could some of the things the ex said to me, implanted into my brain subconsciously?
J is great to me. We have awesome kids. We have a lot of fun. But everytime, the wrong emotion comes out of me. Why cant I control my emotions?
i havent cried in quite some time...I just dont. Again, the wrong emotion comes out and it causes more harm than good.
I have to ask myself if I need a professional opinion....maybe there is a screw loose? But, why would I need a doctor help me express my emotions properly?
I wake up each day and tell myself that Im going to make today a new day. Im going to be the Channon that everyone knew.
But each day is a harder struggle than the last. I feel myself failing more and more each day. The goal gets further away.
Even J says " I want the OLD Channon back. The one I met in 2000, the one I started hanging with in 2007, the one I married"
What happened to me?
I have to tell myself I will get through this......everyday that passes is another day closer to losing my husband. I feel like I have hit a brick wall and that wall is pissing me off. No matter what I do....the wall makes me angry.
I need to break down the wall. but I dont even know how to start!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
and I do this...too!

Being a stay at home mom right now, I find myself being extremely Obsessive compulsive.
In order for me to workout, do my homework, run errands or shower I have to make sure the house is clean or my brain doesnt function properly. So you can imagine the amount of hours it takes me to workout, homework, run errands and shower...I have to make sure my cleaning is done before that.
I spend a lot of days pushing myself to where I have had enough. When I finally crawl into bed at night. I turn the tv and 5 minutes later I shut it off. I am down for the count. I guess thats a good thing simply because sleep is VERY important and i have had enough sleep problems over the past few years...that this is nice.
The downfall is, I wake up every morning completely burnet out, exhausted and not wanting to get out of bed. But, I do! And once Im up...thats it. I do not crawl back into bed.
I get up, get my cup of joe. Wake the kids up, make their breakfast. Have my morning chat with them, turn on the news, make sure the kids cross the street okay to catch the bus. Clean up. start a load of laundry.
Then I get on my computer. Check emails, postings open up school work. and mess around for about an hour. Change laundry to dryer.
I workout for about 2 hours. have my recovery drink. Chat a little with the husband, we shower, run errands eat lunch. I clean up and do laundry.
I do my floors and windows then sit down to really hammer on school work. I do work with Xoey and we read together.
I wait for the kids to get home from school and we start their homework. Dont ever underestimate the homework of 3 school age kids!!! It takes us HOURS.
The kids go play, I rally up some more school work, I start dinner, walk the dogs, clean the bathrooms. Hubby comes home for dinner, we eat then I clean....
I do my facebook thing, play some games and read once more to the kids. They take a shower, I watch a show or two.
Then its time for bed.
This is just an average day.
Im tired. but I love that I have a reason to be tired. I love what I do everyday.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Today she is just a Plain Jane

Right now I am in the middle. I am growing my hair out, working on getting back into shape, waiting for the sun to come out to get a tan.
I am okay with being in the middle right now because I know by June I will be on top!!!!
This blog isnt going to be much except for a leap in the right direction.
Just me showing all of you the plain in me.
but please do not think this is a bad thing. I just have myself a certain way most of the shape, awesome hair and killer tan...and I dont have any of that right now...but its not bothering me. I know Im doing what I have to in order to get there.
I will post more pictures as time goes by..the progress of the hair growing out, the getting back in shape and the tan skin :)
But for now...lets just keep it simple!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
What's in that Ocean Air?
When we first arrived in Jacksonville we waited for one of the "better" days to check out the beach. Florida wasnt what we thought (the kids and I) it was going to be. We thought it was going to be hot, sunny, beach ready. But its actually like a lot of other places they seem to put military bases..Cold, rainy, cloudy, random days of sunshine, hot, humid..pretty random winter.
The temperature was supposed to get up to mid 70s that day so we headed out. We didnt really have a plan. Just find a beach so kids could see it.
They were apprehensive at first. They walked with us, didnt venture out too far...but once they got the feel of the ocean air and saw the opportunities around them they were off like that very first flock of seagulls that they encountered.
Digging their toes in the sand, finding seashells, digging a hole in the sand right by the edge of the water just to watch it fill up. they put their feet in the water and I could almost hear their heartbeats pounding from the fear and excitement. The waves were a bit choppy so to a 3 year old....that wave was HUGE.
I had my Camera and wanted to really focus on improving my skills in a few areas but with the kids running around, and DH pointing out so many things...I decided to shoot what I could.
I always find myself in a different frame of mind when Im at a beach. The air, the calm, the feeling it brings to my soul.
Its a really wondeful place. DH was confused and getting a little aggrivated that I wasnt smiling and running around. All I could do was breath in and sigh. I found a bit of peace at the beach that day and I wasnt going to let anyone ruin it or distract me.
Monday, February 1, 2010
It's just because I have time
As if I didnt have enough to do during the day. I decided that besides working out. I needed to have something else to focus on. A drive, a direction, a force to keep me going.
I keep looking around at all the different photo websites directed by my friends and they truly are a part of my everyday.
Well, I want to be a part of someones everyday. Even if its constructive criticism. If its a helping hand or just a way to relate to someone.
Moving to Florida has caused a few changes for me..and Im trying to figure out if they were good or bad.
But while I work on that. You work on checking out these pictures of my Grand Canyon Experience.
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